The biggest applause line of the day came when the seven-time Mr. Olympia turned the tables on political conventional wisdom about who is hurting the environment and who is helping. "It's not always Republicans" or big corporations, he said, that slow environmental progress. Several companies want to build solar power plants in the Mojave Desert. However, the place where they want to build may be the kind of territory that a particular kind of endangered squirrel would prefer to frequent. Efforts by the California Department of Fish and Game ("my own agency, that I'm supposed to be the head of and the boss of!") to protect "this little creature" have thwarted plans to build planet-saving solar arrays. "If we can't put a solar power plant in the Mojave Desert," Schwarzenegger thundered, "I don't know where the hell we can put it!"
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Save the squirrels, or save the Earth?
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
The Upside and Downside of Biology

A recent study found that growing crops to make biofuels may actually accelerate global warming, because clearing forests or grasslands gives off substantial amounts of carbon dioxide, the primary greenhouse gas that fuels climate change.
Genetically modified crops that are disease resistant or drought tolerant could provide an alternative to alleviate the global stress.
"I think it's pretty clear that price and supply concerns have people thinking a little bit differently today," Steve Mercer with the U.S. Wheat Associates told the Times.
The re-evaluation comes as riots were reported in bread lines in Egypt and other regions, European livestock face critical feed shortages and biofuels strain the market.
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Balls and Cubes

It was found recently that a "popcorn-ball" design has increased the efficiency of dye-sensitized solar cells. They are cheaper, but only half as efficient, as existing solar technology. A group at the University of Washington has been working on this. They used a mixture of small (15 nanometers) and large (300 nanometers) particles of zinc oxide, and found an increase in efficiency, from 2.4 percent using only small particles to 6.2 percent with the combination. The next step is to do it with titanium oxide, which currently gives an 11% efficiency, and see how much of an increase can be achieved with that material. Read about it here.
While ball shapes are good for solar cells, apparently you want your fuel cells in a cubic shape according to researchers at Brown.
Two great obstacles to hydrogen-powered vehicles lie with fuel cells. Fuel cells, which like batteries produce electrical power through chemical reactions, have been plagued by their relatively low efficiency and high production costs. Scientists have tested a wide assortment of metals and materials to overcome the twin challenge.
Now a team led by Shouheng Sun, professor of chemistry at Brown, has mastered a Rubik’s Cube-like dilemma for dealing with platinum, a precious metal coveted for its ability to boost a chemical reaction in fuel cells. The team shows that shaping platinum into a cube greatly enhances its efficiency in a phase of the fuel cell’s operation known as oxygen reduction reaction. Sun’s results have been published online in the journal Angewandte Chemie. The paper was selected as a Very Important Paper, a distinction reserved for less than 5 percent of manuscripts submitted to the peer-reviewed journal.
This brings us another step closer to the future as envisioned by Ray Kurzweil. By the way, I came across a talk by him he gave at a TED conference, here.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
U.S. Carbon Tax Swap
Monday, April 14, 2008
Fuel Tax Offset by Tax Cuts
Well it looks like Canada is going this route come July. The 2.4 cents per liter of gas actually seems a bit low, and the 7.2 cents in 2012 seems high, but they seem to be in the right ballpark. I do wonder how they came up with the amount of the tax cut. Have they considered how higher energy costs may drive up the costs of some products, and be passed on to the consumer?
Saturday, April 5, 2008
Solar Power to Rule in 20 Years
Solar and wind power currently supply about 1 percent of the world's energy needs, Kurzweil said, but advances in technology are about to expand with the introduction of nano-engineered materials for solar panels, making them far more efficient, lighter and easier to install. Google has invested substantially in companies pioneering these approaches.
Regardless of any one technology, members of the panel are "confident that we are not that far away from a tipping point where energy from solar will be [economically] competitive with fossil fuels," Kurzweil said, adding that it could happen within five years.
The reason why solar energy technologies will advance exponentially, Kurzweil said, is because it is an "information technology" (one for which we can measure the information content), and thereby subject to the Law of Accelerating Returns.
The 1% figure is a bit misleading. The US in 2006 got 0.7% from wind and only 0.1% from solar. But that still projects to 100% for solar, if it continues to double at the current rate.
Wide spread use of solar isn't something we'll see anytime soon. But, some interesting new technology is being developed that should make them more cost effective. How about printing them?
Massachusetts-based Konarka Technologies, Inc, a company with a healthy history of commercial experience, developed and demonstrated a commercial-grade process for printing cells on inkjet printers. All quips about inkjet cartridge costs aside, the new process holds tremendous potential to revolutionize the solar photovoltaic industry.
Typical photovoltaics require a clean room to maintain the delicate manufacturing conditions necessary in order to carry out silicon spin coating and other steps in the manufacturing process. These clean rooms are extremely expensive to build and maintain. While traditional photovoltaics can be profitable, Konarka's inkjet phtovoltaics promise to dramatically lower their cost, making solar power suddenly very competitive in terms of energy production per installation cost. Better yet, it will likely reduce the time it takes to produce the cells and allow for easier expansion of capacity.
Interesting times may be ahead.
Save the Children Sponsorship

Malnourishment is 37%, and intestinal worm infection is nearly 30% for children under 5 years old. School enrollment drops in the primary level to 15%, especially among girls. Agricultural activity is practiced by 89% of the population. Illiteracy is about 65% and percentage of university education is nearly 7%.
She is in primary school right now, so I guess she is one of the lucky ones who doesn't end up out of school and working the family farm. I hope that, with a little help from me, she can continue her education and have a brighter future. I've just sent her an e-mail, but I'm told it may be months before I get a reply from her. When I do I'll post it here.
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
The Most Bang for the Buck?
A few years ago, a study found that six million children could be saved every year for around $5 billion. We still see almost ten million children die every year from preventable and treatable causes. Why not spend a small amount of money now to save millions, instead of a much larger amount to deal with what might happen years from now?
If China and India don't change their ways soon, it really won't matter if these other developing nations participate or not. And maybe freer trade would advance the developing world more in the long run, rather than protectionism and hand outs.
Deadly Snow in China

China, the Middle East, and parts of North America saw some very heavy snow fall this winter. At least 24 people died in China because of it. Global temperature dropped about one degree over the past year. So does this mean global cooling has begun?
Anytime we see an unusual weather event or high temperatures, someone always attributes it to global warming. Those events could just be a fluke of course, but that explanation won't sell as many newspapers or get your attention while channel surfing. From National Geographic:
Well-known global warming doubter Robert Balling, a climatologist at Arizona State University, is guarded in his response to the unusual weather.
"While the trend is surprising, given no volcanic eruption [occurred to block sunlight and cause a global cool-down], I doubt the trend is statistically significant at this time," he commented.
"We both know that if we had seen a jump upward [in temperature], the global warming advocates would have had a field day," he added. "I find the skeptics to be far more cautious."
Tuesday, April 1, 2008
China CO2 Emissions Growing Faster Than Anticipated
It’s time we realized that coal combustion will be increasing in China and India for decades to come. If we spend trillions over those same decades to reduce our CO2 emissions in ways that drive up power costs, the only guaranteed outcome is that China and India are going to eat more of our economic lunch.
Now National Geographic is confirming this:
China's greenhouse gas emissions are rising much faster than expected and will overshadow the cuts in global emissions expected due to the Kyoto Protocol, according to a new study.
China and India have a combined 700 coal fired plants in the works, a figure that dwarfs what the US will be adding. Cutting emissions in the States won't help much in reducing global levels if this continues. Perhaps adapting to climate change is better than trying to stabilize CO2.