China, the Middle East, and parts of North America saw some very heavy snow fall this winter. At least 24 people died in China because of it. Global temperature dropped about one degree over the past year. So does this mean global cooling has begun?
Anytime we see an unusual weather event or high temperatures, someone always attributes it to global warming. Those events could just be a fluke of course, but that explanation won't sell as many newspapers or get your attention while channel surfing. From National Geographic:
Well-known global warming doubter Robert Balling, a climatologist at Arizona State University, is guarded in his response to the unusual weather.
"While the trend is surprising, given no volcanic eruption [occurred to block sunlight and cause a global cool-down], I doubt the trend is statistically significant at this time," he commented.
"We both know that if we had seen a jump upward [in temperature], the global warming advocates would have had a field day," he added. "I find the skeptics to be far more cautious."
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